• Server quotes: I'm a straigh parrot and I'm offenced by the server name ^^ - (FR) Ankhunter


Feel free to join our Gay Unicorns DCS -Server.

Hello and Welcome. We are a really tiny but sexy community that plays on the servers.
We have two servers online and one is having the Pretense Caucasus as the active mission.
The other server is password protected and are running the Through The Inferno as the active mission.
If you wanna join that mission you need to head on to our Discord server to find out the password.
On our Discord we even have some stats for the missions, some overall player stats and some other fun things.
Pamela is watching.
We are planning on one more DCS-server with the Through The Inferno mission.

Gay Unicorns Pretense -Server is up at IP: gayunicorns.ddns.net:10308
Gay Unicorns Trough the Inferno -Server is up at gayunicorns.ddns.net:10318
SRS is up at IP: gayunicorns.ddns.net:5002
You can download DCS open beta for free here (includes 2 free modules)
You can download SRS radio for free here

Hope to see you on flying around on the server.

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